Life safety rope download
Life safety rope download

life safety rope download

In the absence of manufacturer’s instructions or manufacturer’s approval of alternative procedures for the life safety rope and equipment, the routine cleaning and drying procedures provided in this section shall be used.ħ.2.3.1 The organization shall determine its requirements for when rope or webbing shall be cleaned.ħ.2.3.2 The cleaning procedure shall be as follows:

life safety rope download

You’ll need a hose, a tub, non-detergent soap, and an appropriate place for it to dry:ħ.2.1 The organization shall be responsible for the routine cleaning of life safety rope and equipment.ħ.2.2 Organizations shall examine the manufacturer’s label and user information for instructions on cleaning and drying that the manufacturer provided with the life safety rope and equipment. While manufacturer instructions for cleaning and drying should take precedence, NFPA outlines a procedure that can be followed when no instructions are provided. Typically, rope soiled with mud or dirt only requires general cleaning with a specified detergent and water. Proper cleaning is key to reliable performance given that simple dirt and grit cause wear that reduces a rope’s breaking strength and lifespan.

life safety rope download

It’s nearly impossible to avoid dirtying rope during rescue operations.

life safety rope download

While these steps may seem simple and mundane, the importance of taking them seriously can’t be emphasized enough-as lives can depend on the rope’s strength during a rescue. NFPA 1858 makes organizations using life safety rope responsible for its care. Following the manufacturer’s specific instructions is also recommended. That includes basic criteria for cleaning, decontamination, and storage of life safety rope. The 2018 edition of NFPA 1858: Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services establishes minimum maintenance requirements for rope that’s compliant with the 2017 edition of NFPA 1983: Standard for Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services. If education isn’t the reason for your visit today, feel free to skip to our online selection of rope. You can also check out our previous blog that introduces the NFPA-compliant Bulwark Safety X, one of the only technical-use life safety ropes to receive the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) stamp of approval, or read about a glow-in-the-dark rope popular for marine uses, firefighting search lines, camping, and much more. In this blog, we outline techniques for cleaning and storing life safety rope that meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Life safety rope is integral to many rescue operations, and proper care and maintenance are critical to helping firefighters avoid unsafe situations. Proper care of life safety rope avoids damage that puts lives at risk

Life safety rope download